【地球母亲】20150621 谢谢你
(2015-06-23 10:18:34)标签: 灵性信息 | 分类: 地球盖亚母亲/自然/动物/植物 |
Beautiful children, how eager all of you are in your own unique and special way to discover life and reap its rewards.
As you go frolicking about being distracted by much, wanting to be or do what others are doing, look inside yourself and see the beautiful seeds you have planted; they need your attention so they may grow and help you to become who you were meant to be. It is wonderful to observe what others are doing, but not to lose your Self in the process.
Each of you have a unique journey before you. Some of you will cross paths with one another for an unknowingly amount of time. As seasons change outside, seasons are also abundant within you as well. Don’t cry over the spilled milk, or become undone because something didn’t work out as you planned or hoped. Everything around you, all that you have experienced is helping your seeds to grow stronger and more beautiful. So when you have attained certain knowledge, and embraced all your many aspects, those seeds dear hearts grow up to be the loveliest, and hardiest of flowers.
The warmth that is generated by your never-ending giving heart is their food. Not giving up, but persevering when the road before you looks bleak sustains them.
You are not meant to remain stuck or stagnant for long. The light that is inside of your heart only becomes low if you allow it. When you follow the ideals of others, instead of following your heart, you diminish your light. Staying true to your heart, true to you, will keep that light burning forever bright dear hearts. Know who you are, believe in your whole self, not just the pretty parts that you make neat and tidy for everyone to see, but in everything that makes you…YOU. You are as bountiful as the earth you walk upon through the energy and light you share that comes from your pure, unconditional loving heart.
When you embrace your truth, you share this bountiful light and energy with everyone, even with those you do not know…they will feel a flutter of energy that is different but good and this flutter of energy that is emitted by you helps to raise the energy of others, reducing low energy discord, and for the moment you occupy, there is light, love and there is healing and this healing dear hearts is not only radiating for those that are near you, but your entire self is benefited from it.
Don’t seek to become what you find admirable in others. Seek inspiration from your Self, for you are filled to the point of overflow with inspiration. Be encouraged by what you discover of your Self, allow any weakness that you come face-to-face with turn into a strength. Let those seeds that have sprouted inside of you grow into a lovely garden of unconditional compassion, unconditional love and appreciation for all life, including our own.
Thank you for joining me for this year’s Summer Solstice.
I AM Gaia, your Earth Mother
通灵:Julie Miller
翻译:Nick Chan