(2016-12-17 16:42:47)分类: 心灵觉醒,疗愈、教导 |
We all have our inner struggles, and every single soul will have its own soul lessons to master, and will have to deal with their own set of challenges, their own shadow, their own light.
Souls are here for one reason only: to serve their highest soul purpose and calling, and to master soul lessons.
This planet is one of the most challenging Universities in the whole cosmos, for the human race chose this at some point.
Therefore do not envy another soul their path, or their seeming togetherness, for you do not know what inner challenges they had to face to get where they are today, and nor the ones they are still facing.
You cannot judge another souls' path - because it was not your path to walk.
The truth is that the souls, like me, who have gone through the most stringent challenges in life, most often do not talk about it to all and sundry. Their greatest confidants and helpers, are just not of this earth and that is the truth, for the Divine is their anchor and stay - the love and light which pulls them through it all - more so than earthly Beings.
真相是(像我一样经历生活中最严峻挑战的)灵魂通常不会与所有人和各种各样的人讨论。他们最大的知己和贵人,不是这个地球的,这是真理,因为神圣是他们的依靠和支柱 - 爱和光(比地球存有更多)让他们圆满达成。
翻译: Christiane TSAI